Friday, April 17, 2009

Free Advice Friday!!

This is the first of many Free Advice Fridays!

I got a good amount of emails and messages and twitters (okay, I wasn't tweeted) with questions ranging from the silly to the hard drama filled questions.

Here are the best:

Dear Mr. Geoff:

How many ways are there to skin a cat?

--Jon, CA


There are several ways to skin a cat, but you only have one chance per cat. So be careful and choose wisely.


Dear Mr. Geoff:

Last night, I had a softball game that ended early. I was still jazzed about the game, so I went out to eat with the team afterwards. I called and told my wife, who has been sick lately, what I was doing, and she seemed okay with it. I got home around 9pm, and I was in bed by 10:30. We've been bickering and fighting all morning long. What am I to do? We haven't been married long, and I really don't want to screw this up any more than I already have. Please help me, Mr. Geoff!

--William, TN


The best thing that I can tell you is to take it in stride. Marriage, much like life, is long and full of amazing little presents that happen from time to time. You have to take the good with the bad. Here's the thing though that you might want to think about sick wives: they're more right when they're sick, then when they're healthy. For a peaceful house, apologize. As the ruler of your castle, it is easier to rule it with love than it is to rule with a fist. Don't worry about your pride, and don't worry about the "man card." This was a small battle, and it will be easily forgotten if you both love each other as much as you said you did when you took those vows. Now, get that fire going again, and keep at it! I wish you the best!


Dear Mr. Geoff,

My ex and I broke up last June after dating for 3 years. I loved him. He was my world, and I was his. After a few months, I started dating again. It didn't feel right with any of them. I started comparing them to him. I don't really worry about a relationship right now, because of my schedule. But I would like to find someone, you know? I just don't want it to be my ex. Can you help me?

--Brittany, TN


Breaking off a relationship of that long is a hard thing to recover from. It's certainly not expected to bounce back within a new relationship within a few months. Since you are over your ex, or at least that's what I can tell with your letter, you might want to take a step back. Think of it this way, it's a bicycle; without one thing moving, the other can't either. When you're ready for a relationship, a great guy will be there waiting. Now, when he shows up, don't discard him because he's not like your ex. Just because a guy doesn't do things the way your ex did, doesn't mean that he is incapable of loving you any less. Give him a chance. You'll never know what you'll get. Good luck!


Well those were the best, kids. If you want to submit your questions for next week's blog, feel free to email me with the subject line, "Free Advice Fridays." I can't wait to see what happens next week!!

Until next time, enjoy it!

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