Saturday, April 11, 2009

Love:Everything, Everything:Life

Okay kids….

Listen up.

Many of you I haven’t seen in quite a long time. Many of you I’ve found to be some of my closest friends of all time. While others, you’ve kept this vision of who I am since you last saw me. Well, consider this your refresher course.

First off, let me get this out of the way.

I no longer believe that Jesus Christ was the Messiah.
I no longer believe that mankind even needs a Messiah.

Got that?

I do believe in God, just not that Jesus Christ was the Messiah.

You might have to re-read that part.

I’m not agnostic, nor an atheist. In fact, either one of those are ruled out by those five words in the third sentence.

Here is what I do believe:

I believe in love.

Love is the most powerful force in the multi-verse. Love is the force that binds everything together. It binds the trees to the air, the bees to the honey, and it binds mankind to all things. It flows through us as we breathe, and it flows through us like water into the ocean.

We don’t know the full power of what love can do, but we do see small examples any day of the week. We hear extraordinary stories of mothers saving their babies by lifting cars. That is only a fraction of the power of love.

Let me clarify something really quick.

Love has three forms. I believe that we are placed on this earth to love others and educate ourselves, later mastering, those three forms of love.

The three forms of love, as you’re probably already aware are:

Those are pretty self-explanatory without using their Greek names. Speaking of Greeks, the GREEKS discovered these same things. They had some things terribly wrong, but on the same hand, they had plenty of things right. After all, if it weren’t for the Greeks, we might not have democracy.

If you look at all the other major religions, including Christianity, you see PLENTY of stuff that seems wrong to outsiders. I.e. depriving yourself of happiness in Buddhism, the Jihad in Islam, and the hypocrisy in Christianity.

I could go on and on about what’s wrong with Christianity, as many people could, but I won’t. There are several things right with all of the religions, like the sense of history, the explanation of things that we have to go through and how to act through them, and love.


There’s that word again.

All of the major religions in the world speak of love. They all speak of loving others before yourself. They all speak of the power of love. In fact the bible goes as bold to say that with the analogy that God is love, hence why I believe in God.

I do not believe, however, that God is an old king sitting on his throne over looking the multi-verse. That is an old analogy. It’s a metaphor that was crafted in the ancient times where kings and queens were common place. This is not a correct metaphor any more. At least, in my eyes anyway.

“If you do things right, people aren’t sure that you’ve done anything at all.”
-- God…in an episode of Futurama.

Think about that, and then think about how God has worked in your life, if you believe that way. It makes sense. Everything that God has done in this world, or that God has done in the past, and it can be explained through scientific means. Which prompts the question, what if science is the explanation of how? What if religion is the explanation of why things the way they are? They go hand in hand, much like the yin and yang.

I believe that we die when we have learned of all degrees of love. Now, understandably so, when someone’s choice takes another’s life early, as in a murder, car accident, or suicide, they get another shot at love. They get another shot at life. After all, love is forgiveness.

Once we learn about the three stages of love, we get to join the force that binds everything together. We get to hold it intact, while helping others learn of love from that realm.

Of course, if you don’t believe the way I do, that’s okay. Love is tolerance.

When you die, I believe that you go as where your beliefs tell you where you should. Your heart decides for you, but you are lead on a journey to get there.

I wrote a blog on my thoughts on death after my grandfather's death. If you’d like more information, I’d highly suggest going to read that. It’s worth it, and it is one of the best things I’ve written as it means a lot to me.

So let’s sum it up, here’s what I believe:

Love > Everything
Love: 3 Different stages, Parental, friendship, and romantic.
Love makes sense

Jesus was a great man, just not the messiah. Not to me anyway.

We don’t need a messiah or a savior. We have hope. We have love. We have an amazing sense of perseverance, and we have a fantastic sense of adapting and overcoming. We have our own messiahs.

Whatever inspires you to love, to live life to it’s fullest, and to take on amazing things that you never could before. That is your messiah. Whether it be a person, like Jesus or God for you, or Obama, or comic books and fake heroes.

So, after reading all that, I only ask one thing. You now know what I believe. You know, you may not understand, or want to understand, but this is what I believe and it works best for me.

I will only ask that you not shove what you have in my face, as I will not do this to you. I will not beg you to join my religion (mainly because its not a set religion, just a spirit of beliefs), nor will I persecute you. Please do not persecute me.

Let us both just tolerate one another and our thoughts on the after life. After all, how can we love each other as human beings if we cannot tolerate one another?

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